
In cases where the teeth have had to be removed for some unavoidable reason, they have to be replaced to maintain both the harmony of the face and also the ability to eat properly.

Bridges have been the commonest mode of replacing teeth so far.

We have now entered the era of Implants as the first choice of treatment to replace missing teeth with the use of bridges coming a close second. Implants have a great success rate over many years. They help to preserve bone .

It has been seen that over a period of years cavities form under the bridge on the supporting teeth. As a result two teeth that were healthy were first modified to accept the bridge then they became decayed. It has also been seen that although a bridge replaces the teeth, it does not prevent bone loss and causes facial aging.

At“Sri Dental Clinic”, in keeping with the tradition of keeping the latest and phasing out the obsolete, Dr. Bela Jain has under gone 300 hours of Intensive training by the American Academy of Implant Dentistry, to provide a state of the art care in Implant Dentistry. She is accredited by the American Academy of Implant Dentistry.