Orthodontic Treatment
Good looks are the Buzz word today, be it a job interview or a business presentation.
Teeth that are are palced in a Straight line and give a pleasing smile are almost a pre-requsite. The art and science of straightening teeth is called Orthodontics. Braces both the Metallic ones and the White Tooth Colored ones are routinely used at “Sri Dental Clinic” to reposition teeth to the desired positions.
Wires made from NASA technology make the treatment very comfortable. The time required for treatment varies according to the problem. The end results are esthetically good. They also place the teeth is a position that increases their longivity.
There was a myth that this treatment could not be done after a certain age. This is a fallacy. Today, age is not a reason to avoid Orthodontic Treatment. The only pre-requsite is that the bone should be healthy.
White braces are usually used for adults and the treatment time is usually shorter. The shape of the teeth is also modified if needed.